Sustainable & responsible practices.
Partner with Birthing Kit Foundation Au
I am mindful that many women and girls do not have the opportunities that I have and my partnership with Birthing Kit Foundation Au allows me to give back by creating opportunities in health, education and livelihoods and addressing the inequality faced by females around the world.
My clients indirectly help support this essential work
Partnering with SYFS
Southern Youth and Family Services (SYFS), located in the Illawarra, is an Organisation that has the main purpose of supporting and caring for children, young people, adults and families who are disadvantaged, including those who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness and their families. This work provides supported accommodation, community social housing, counselling, mediation, support and the delivery of a range of programs to improve the life situation of children, young people, adults and families.
“There is change happening and it’s up to us as designers to specify with sustainability in mind, the goal being to specify materials that are sustainable and that don’t burden the client financially- it’s certainly possible”-
Nadine Ryan, Nadine K Drafting & Design

Partner with KIT + International contributing to the provision of birthing kits that prevent deaths of newborns and their mothers
Partner with KIT + International contributing to providing education opportunities for women and girls
Partner with KIT + International to transform the world for women and girls by contributing to initiatives that provide opportunities and participation for women and girls
Focused on energy efficient sustainable home designs.
Provide knowledge and insight in residential development choices when discussing housing design ideas with my clients. I design my clients homes with energy, water and thermal comfort levels that exceed the Building Sustainability Index requirements
Reduce my global material footprint with a focus on using natural resources sustainably when choosing building materials and suppliers